
Validating JSON Data

Using the jsonschema library in Python

ELT pipeline ingesting CoinGecko's data

Modeling, then pulling, API data

Mirror - Onboarding to the Credmark Model Framework for Data Analyst

Helping data analysts use the Credmark Model Framework

Pad Thai is a Terrible Choice

Using R and Python to scrape, pre-process, wrangle and visualize data.

The More a Network is Worth, the Harder it is to Attack

Using R and Python to read, pre-process, wrangle and visualize data.

How Positive are Your Facebook Posts?

Using Python and R to read, pre-process, wrangle and visualize data.

Gradient Descent -- Data Science from Scratch (ch8)

An overview of Gradient Descent

Data Science from Scratch (ch7) - Hypothesis and Inference

An overview of statistical Hypothesis Testing, Estimation and Bayesian Inference

Statistics & Probability in Code

Learning Statistics and Probability Concepts through Code Snippets

Data Science from Scratch (ch6) - Probability

Gaining an intuition for probability using Python