Get time elapsed between two Timestamps

Get time elapsed between two events

Situation: You want to figure out how much time has elapsed between two timestamps.

The example below uses $project 3 consecutive times.

NOTE: You have to convert timestamps (in string) to Date object with $toDate conversion. Another assumption is that timetsamps provide milliseconds so we need to subtract two dates by milliseconds, then convert those to either hours, days etc.

    {$match: {"$and": [{season: 2}, {customer_id: '905250069463326740'}, {status: "Completed"}]}},
    {$project: {_id: 0, _customer_id: "$customer_id", _title: "$title", _status: "$status", _createdAt: "$createdAt", _claimedAt: "$claimedAt", _submittedAt: "$submittedAt", _reviewedAt: "$reviewedAt"}},
    {$project: {_id: 0, customer_id: "$_customer_id", title: "$_title", status: "$_status", createdAt: {$toDate: "$_createdAt"}, claimedAt: {$toDate: "$_claimedAt"}, submittedAt: {$toDate: "$_submittedAt"}, reviewedAt: {$toDate: "$_reviewedAt"}}},
    {$project: {step_one: {$divide: [{$subtract: ["$claimedAt", "$createdAt"]}, 8.64e+7]} }}

Calculate Time Difference in Hours

Here I make the third $project step more explicit by renaming the time stamps to reflect stages in bounty development.

Note: There are 3600000 milli-seconds in an hour.

# subtract two timestamps - prod
    {$match: {"$and": [{season: 2}, {customer_id: '834499078434979890'}, {status: "Completed"}]}},
    {$project: {_id: 0, _customer_id: "$customer_id", _title: "$title", _status: "$status", _createdAt: "$createdAt", _claimedAt: "$claimedAt", _submittedAt: "$submittedAt", _reviewedAt: "$reviewedAt"}},
    {$project: {_id: 0, customer_id: "$_customer_id", title: "$_title", status: "$_status", createdAt: {$toDate: "$_createdAt"}, claimedAt: {$toDate: "$_claimedAt"}, submittedAt: {$toDate: "$_submittedAt"}, reviewedAt: {$toDate: "$_reviewedAt"}}},
    {$project: {title: 1, time_to_claim: {$divide: [{$subtract: ["$claimedAt", "$createdAt"]}, 3600000]}, time_to_submit: {$divide: [{$subtract: ["$submittedAt", "$claimedAt"]}, 3600000]}, time_to_review: {$divide: [{$subtract: ["$reviewedAt", "$submittedAt"]}, 3600000]} }}

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