Does order of operation matter among dplyr functions?

Data Wrangling: Does Order matter?

In short, yes, it matters. But when and where?

Below are examples to highlight when function order matters and when it doesn’t. The source for the raw data used in this illustration are from the United Nations’ Statistics Division for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Indicators (Goal 4, Target 4.4).

See also UN Statistics Wiki on Indicator 4.4.1.

# Example chain of functions to determine proportion of Thailand's population to have certain ICT skills in 2018

data %>%
    select(GeoAreaName, Value, Sex, `Type of skill`, TimePeriod) %>%
    rename(type_of_skill = `Type of skill`) %>%
        Value = as.double(Value)
    ) %>%
    filter(GeoAreaName == 'Thailand') %>% 
    filter(TimePeriod == 2018) %>% 
    group_by(type_of_skill) %>%
        mean_value = mean(Value),
        median_value = median(Value)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%

Here, the filter functions are moved up to be before rename and mutate. The ordering here does not matter.

data %>%
    select(GeoAreaName, Value, Sex, `Type of skill`, TimePeriod) %>%
    # putting filter before rename, mutate is fine
    filter(GeoAreaName == 'Thailand') %>% 
    filter(TimePeriod == 2018) %>% 
    rename(type_of_skill = `Type of skill`) %>%
        Value = as.double(Value)
    ) %>%
    group_by(type_of_skill) %>%
        mean_value = mean(Value),
        median_value = median(Value)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%

Furthermore, we could even experiment with the filter function being before or after select. Here, ordering also does not matter.

data %>%
    filter(GeoAreaName == 'Thailand') %>% 
    filter(TimePeriod == 2018) %>% 
    select(GeoAreaName, Value, Sex, `Type of skill`, TimePeriod) %>%
    rename(type_of_skill = `Type of skill`) %>%
        Value = as.double(Value)
    ) %>%
    group_by(type_of_skill) %>%
        mean_value = mean(Value),
        median_value = median(Value)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%

Here is there order does matter. When we try to move the two filter functions below group_by, summarize and ungroup, the filtering does not work. By the time we get to filter(GeoAreaName == 'Thailand') in this example, GeoAreaName has been removed because we did not group_by GeoAreaName, so we get an error.

# Running this code, we'll get the ERROR: Problem with `filter()` input `..1`. x object 'GeoAreaName' not found ℹ Input `..1` is 
# `GeoAreaName == "Thailand"`.

data %>%
    select(GeoAreaName, Value, Sex, `Type of skill`, TimePeriod) %>%
    relocate(Sex, Value, GeoAreaName) %>%
    rename(type_of_skill = `Type of skill`) %>%
        Value = as.double(Value)
    ) %>%
    # filter was previously here
    group_by(type_of_skill) %>%
        mean_value = mean(Value),
        median_value = median(Value)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # moving filter down below group_by & summarize() does not work
    filter(GeoAreaName == 'Thailand') %>% 
    filter(TimePeriod == 2018) %>% 

Finally, if we want to use filter on the results of the mutate function, we see that order does matter. By the time we get to the final filter(Value < 10), the Value variable is no longer available to us because we did not group_by and summarize by Value (instead we created mean_value and median_value).

data %>%
    filter(GeoAreaName == 'Thailand') %>% 
    filter(TimePeriod == 2018) %>% 
    select(GeoAreaName, Value, Sex, `Type of skill`, TimePeriod) %>%
    rename(type_of_skill = `Type of skill`) %>%
        Value = as.double(Value)
    ) %>%
    # filtering for Values less than 10 does work here
    filter(Value < 10) %>%
    group_by(type_of_skill) %>%
        mean_value = mean(Value),
        median_value = median(Value)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(desc(mean_value)) %>%
    # filter for Values less than 10 does not work down here
    filter(Value < 10)
