Installing Error Tracking with Sentry

Install Error Tracking with Sentry

Situation: Developers want error logging for their applications to track performance. Especially when deployed to actual users.

The following example features error tracking with


Sentry Setup

  1. Figure out what frontend language your team is using, go through the installation guide (e.g., we used NextJS)
  2. Install sentry
  3. Install configuration files. had a convenient installation wizard.
  4. You’ll need to add options to two Sentry.init() (i.e., client and server config files)
# example sentry.init() file from sentry.client.config.js
  // Adjust this value in production, or use tracesSampler for greater control
  tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
  // ...
  // Note: if you want to override the automatic release value, do not set a
  // `release` value here - use the environment variable `SENTRY_RELEASE`, so
  // that it will also get attached to your source maps
  1. Include SENTRY_DSN in .env.local file:
# make sure the digits 8888888 match the sentry project when you login
  1. Log into sentry account with username and password

Setting up a Test Database connection

You want to run a local instance of the App. One way to ensure you’re able to run your App locally is to also run a test database to confirm that data on the frontend, matches what’s in the test database.

  1. Create a .env.local file to store database credentials (MONGODB_URI)
# specific mongo connection

# default
  1. Make sure a Docker container with Mongo DB installed is running
  2. In parallel to your application running, fire up a Mongo instance locally (note how it’s the same string as whats in the MONGODB_URI in your .env.local file.)
# cd into project folder but mongo should be globally accessible
$ mongosh “mongodb+srv://”
  1. Query something you see on the frontend (e.g., user_id) on the backend to see that data matches.

Run local instance of Application

note: Bounty-board App

  1. cd into root directory of the app (../packages/react-app)
  2. yarn & yarn dev
  3. enter localhost:3000 on your browser to see the App running.
  4. Also note sentry logging in your terminal
  5. Query something you see on the frontend (e.g., user_id) on the backend to see that data matches.

Throw an error

  1. Manually have sentry sent a message to the Sentry UI tool through sentry.server.config.js

## capturing errors
Sentry.captureMessage("Insert message with captureMessage.");
  1. Throw a naturally occuring error like a wrong API route in the browser
  2. Check account for error logging.

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