Using Faker to simulate fake data with Python

Creating mock data in Python with the Faker library

If you need to simulate mock data, the Faker library is a great resource. Shout out to @joke2k for maintaining this project.

The full code for a recent project is below, with breakdown of each section to follow. Project context: Utilizing MongoDB as our NoSQL database. I’ve created a basic document (json) and now need to replicate multiple documents to simulate data once it’s populated with data from the frontend (or a Bot for this project specifically).

from json import dumps
from faker import Faker
import collections

database = []
filename = 'testing_bounty'
length = 5
fake = Faker()

# fake.word(ext_word_list=)
random_currencies = ['BANK', 'ETH', 'BTC']

random_guilds = ["Marketing Guild", "Treasury Guild",
                 "Developer's Guild", "Analytics Guild", "Writer's Guild"]

discord_handle = ["@bob#8888", "@alice#1234",
                  "@carol#5555", "@delta#2222", "@lambda#3333"]

bounty_status = ['Open', 'Draft', 'In-Progress',
                 'In-Review', 'Completed', 'Deleted']

skills = ["writing",
          "software development",
          "strategic planning",
          "data analysis",
          "grant writing",
          "proposal development",
          "team building",

for x in range(length):
        ('season', fake.random_int(0, 10)),
        ('bounty', fake.sentence()),
        ('bountyDescription', fake.sentence()),
        ('doneCriteria', fake.sentence()),
        ('bountyReward', collections.OrderedDict([
            ('currency', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_currencies)),
            ('amount', fake.random_int(0, 50000))
        # list of dictionaries
        ('applicableGuilds', [collections.OrderedDict(
            [('guildName', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds))]), collections.OrderedDict([('guildName', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds))])]),
        ('bountyCreatedBy', collections.OrderedDict([
            ('isDaoMember', fake.pybool()),
            ('guildName', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds)),
            ('discordHandle', fake.word(ext_word_list=discord_handle)),
            ('publicAddress', "0x2d94aa3e47d9d5024503ca8" + fake.pystr())
        ('bountyCreatedAt', fake.date_between(start_date='today', end_date='+3m')),
        ('bountyDueAt', fake.date_between(start_date='today', end_date='+1y')),
        ('bountyActivatedAt', fake.date_between(
            start_date='today', end_date='+6m')),
        ('bountyClaimedBy', collections.OrderedDict([
            ('guildName', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds)),
            ('discordHandle', fake.word(ext_word_list=discord_handle)),
            ('publicAddress', "0x2d94aa3e47d9d5024503ca8" + fake.pystr())
        ('bountyClaimedAt', fake.date_between(start_date='today', end_date='+4m')),
        ('bountySubmittedBy', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds)),
        ('bountySubmittedAt', fake.date_between(
            start_date='today', end_date='+11m')),
        ('bountySubmissionLink', "www." + fake.safe_domain_name()),
        # list of dictionaries
        ('bountyStatus', [collections.OrderedDict([
            ('status', fake.word(ext_word_list=bounty_status)),
            ('bountyStatusTime', fake.date_between(
                start_date='today', end_date='+1y'))
        ('bountyHash', fake.md5(raw_output=False)),
        # list of words
        ('skillsRequired', [fake.word(ext_word_list=skills),

with open('%s.json' % filename, 'w') as output:
    # turns date_between into string, circumvent json serialization
    output.write(dumps(database, indent=4, sort_keys=False, default=str))

Here’s a breakdown, section-by-section:

Since we’ll be creating mock json data, the json built-in library is imported (specifically dumps), the Faker library is the main tool and we’ll also be using OrderedDict from collections to create document objects.

Database is set to an empty array which will store the json object (OrderedDict). We’ll save the file that we eventually write as testing_bounty and keep it a short length (5), while we’re still testing.

Finally, we initialize the Faker library by calling the Faker function and setting to fake.

from json import dumps
from faker import Faker
import collections

database = []
filename = 'testing_bounty'
length = 5
fake = Faker()   <--- important

This next section save a list of words that pertinent to our project in lists. As we create mock json objects, for certain fields, we’ll want to populate from a sample of keywords that’s important for our project.

Without these keywords, we’ll need to rely on random words/sentences that comes with the Faker library and that may not always be appropriate for our context.

# fake.word(ext_word_list=)
random_currencies = ['BANK', 'ETH', 'BTC']

random_guilds = ["Marketing Guild", "Treasury Guild",
                 "Developer's Guild", "Analytics Guild", "Writer's Guild"]

discord_handle = ["@bob#8888", "@alice#1234",
                  "@carol#5555", "@delta#2222", "@lambda#3333"]

bounty_status = ['Open', 'Draft', 'In-Progress',
                 'In-Review', 'Completed', 'Deleted']

skills = ["writing",
          "software development",
          "strategic planning",
          "data analysis",
          "grant writing",
          "proposal development",
          "team building",

This next section is where we create a number of json objects, specified by length. Everything is pushed into an collections.OrderedDict and in some cases, we have nested data.

Most of the fields are typical key-value pairs. There are variations in the values, including:

  1. strings (fake.sentence(), fake.word(), fake.pystr()); you can sample from list of words created above
  2. integers (fake.random_int()); you can randomize within a range of integers
  3. dates (fake.date_between)
  4. boolean (fake.pybool)
  5. dictionaries / json object (collections.OrderedDict)
  6. list of dictionaries, enclose within []
  7. list of strings

for x in range(length):
        ('season', fake.random_int(0, 10)),
        ('bounty', fake.sentence()),
        ('bountyDescription', fake.sentence()),
        ('doneCriteria', fake.sentence()),
        ('bountyReward', collections.OrderedDict([
            ('currency', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_currencies)),
            ('amount', fake.random_int(0, 50000))
        # list of dictionaries
        ('applicableGuilds', [collections.OrderedDict(
            [('guildName', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds))]), collections.OrderedDict([('guildName', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds))])]),
        ('bountyCreatedBy', collections.OrderedDict([
            ('isDaoMember', fake.pybool()),
            ('guildName', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds)),
            ('discordHandle', fake.word(ext_word_list=discord_handle)),
            ('publicAddress', "0x2d94aa3e47d9d5024503ca8" + fake.pystr())
        ('bountyCreatedAt', fake.date_between(start_date='today', end_date='+3m')),
        ('bountyDueAt', fake.date_between(start_date='today', end_date='+1y')),
        ('bountyActivatedAt', fake.date_between(
            start_date='today', end_date='+6m')),
        ('bountyClaimedBy', collections.OrderedDict([
            ('guildName', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds)),
            ('discordHandle', fake.word(ext_word_list=discord_handle)),
            ('publicAddress', "0x2d94aa3e47d9d5024503ca8" + fake.pystr())
        ('bountyClaimedAt', fake.date_between(start_date='today', end_date='+4m')),
        ('bountySubmittedBy', fake.word(ext_word_list=random_guilds)),
        ('bountySubmittedAt', fake.date_between(
            start_date='today', end_date='+11m')),
        ('bountySubmissionLink', "www." + fake.safe_domain_name()),
        # list of dictionaries
        ('bountyStatus', [collections.OrderedDict([
            ('status', fake.word(ext_word_list=bounty_status)),
            ('bountyStatusTime', fake.date_between(
                start_date='today', end_date='+1y'))
        ('bountyHash', fake.md5(raw_output=False)),
        # list of words
        ('skillsRequired', [fake.word(ext_word_list=skills),

Once we run our script, we’ll want to save and serialize the OrderedDict in a json file. We also want to enclose our dates in strings to avoid getting a json serialization error; this is done by setting the parameters of output.write() to default=str.

with open('%s.json' % filename, 'w') as output:
    # turns date_between into string, circumvent json serialization
    output.write(dumps(database, indent=4, sort_keys=False, default=str))