Use concat to merge dataframes

Merge dataframes with concat

Situation: You want to combine multiple dataframes into one, to later push into a database. Something like rbind or cbind in R.

You’ll need to reset index twice to push into a database.

# put dataframes into a list
frames = [df_24, df_63, df_305, df_492, df_878]

# use pandas and concat function to combine
concat_frames = pd.concat(frames)

# reset index twice
concat_frames_1 = concat_frames.reset_index()
concat_frames_2 = concat_frames_1.reset_index()

# OPTIONAL: select specific columns
specific_col_frames = concat_frames_2[[
    'level_0', 'Name', 'Address', 'Circle_Id']]

# OPTIONAL: rename some columns
# change column name 'level_0' -> 'index'
final_frames = specific_col_frames.rename(columns={'level_0': 'index'})

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