Using Pandas to Convert JSON to Dataframes

Using Pandas to Convert JSON to Dataframes

Situation: We are pulling in JSON data and need to convert it to a dataframe to load to a relational database or for further analysis.

It’s likely the JSON is nested with at least two levels. Here the requests library makes an http request to an API endpoint. A function run_query(q) is written to return the request in JSON data.

import requests
import json
import pandas as pd

def run_query(q):
    request ='https://api-endpoint'
                            json={'query': query})
    if request.status_code == 200:
        return request.json()
        raise Exception('Query failed. return code is {}.     {}'.format(
            request.status_code, query))

Then we need to unnest the JSON into a list of dictionaries before converting into dataframe. THe flow is JSON -> get Items -> turn into List -> dig down into List of Dictionaries -> convert to dataframe:

# returns JSON
result = run_query(query)

# get Items
result_items = result.items()
# turn into List
result_list = list(result_items)
# dig down into List of Dictionaries (2 levels)
lst_of_dict = result_list[0][1].get('transferBanks')
# convert to data frame
df = pd.json_normalize(lst_of_dict)

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